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Snack, Birthday Treats and Water Bottle Policy

1. Birthday Treats: NEW FOR 2014-2015 School year!  

  • You may bring individually wrapped or sliced treats that are store bought. No homemade treats please. EX: Muffins, donuts, fruit snacks, cookies, rice krispie treats, ect. If you think of something that is not listed here please email your teacher prior to delivery!

  • We will celebrate birthdays in the lunchroom after students have eaten lunch.

  • Please make sure you supply all of the plates and napkins.. if needed.

  •  Treats can be sent in with the child, dropped off in the front office or brought to the lunchroom during lunch (10:40).

2. Snacks: We will have snack, although it is a working snack. Please only send your child with healthy, clean snacks. Some good examples are: Cheese sticks, apples, goldfish, crackers, carrots, ect. Some bad examples are: candy, applesauce with a spoon, doritos, cheetos, any snack with a dip, ect. Please, Please do not send your child with anything that can spill or will make their pages messy that they are working on! It is very frustrating for them to get "cheeto dust" on their writing that they worked so hard on. 


3. Water Bottles: Please send your child with a sealed water bottle. Please do not put these in your childs backpack without it being in a plastic baggy! They tend to leak and it ruins library books, bee binders, ect.

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