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Reading Groups

Students travel to a reading group teacher Monday- Thursday from 9:30-10:30 every day. 

Expectations: Students are expected to bring their book bag which includes their reading contract, book, pencil. Depending on your child's class they may also have a reading notebook. Students are expected to do their reading homework nightly Monday-Thursday. If the homework is reading, they can apply these minutes to their nightly reading requirement for homework. After reading, the student is expected to get their parents intitials in the little box next to where the homework was written. 

Reading Group Grade: We all use the same grading rubric for establishing the conduct grade. The earning of daily stickers comes from bringing ALL supplies to class EVERYDAY in addition to parent intials. ! If just one item is missing, your child does not earn a sticker. Below is the conduct grade they will recieve based on the number of times they do not earn a sticker. 


1-3 times E                4-6 times S                   7-9 times NI                 10 + times U


Reading Requirement

Students are expected to read everynight 20-30 minutes. Please make sure that you fill out their reading log nightly on the homework sheet. Please remember to ask them questions regarding the story at the end and that re-reading the story helps build their fluency! I encourage you to utilized the documents below to help your child become a stronger reader and be more successful in the classroom. 

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